
I keep a variety of blogs on WordPress about a number of subjects –

Things My Children Said, documenting the lives of our three children, and the moments of randomness that permeate our household

Brian of Morbius, an ongoing analysis / dissection / general piss-take of Doctor Who

Drop of the Hat 2009 – no longer updated, but one of those blogs that had a beginning, middle and end: what happened the year my wife and I decided to allow our listening choices for that year be dictated by letters drawn out of a hat.

But there’s other stuff. Things that happen that I write down but that just don’t fit in any of the categories above. I had to put them somewhere; it might as well be here.

A brief history: Emily and I have been married for a little over seven years. We met online (not on purpose; neither of us were looking) back in 2003. We live in Oxfordshire with three boys of six and under, and a cat. My children are driving me prematurely grey, but my life is, in its own way, quite fun.

There will be catch-up for the next few weeks before I start posting things on the fly. Bear with me…